Dr. Nishith Reddy is one of the finest urologists in Hyderabad. If you are experiencing infertility, you can book an appointment with Dr. Reddy and get a proper consultation regarding the issue.

What are the major causes of Male Infertility?

Several biological and environmental factors impact fertility in men. Some of the key factors include the following:

Male Infertility Andrology Services in Hyderabad
  1. Oligospermia - This is a biological condition where the patient experiences low or poor-quality sperm production.
  2. Azoospermia - This condition impairs one’s ability to produce sperm cells.
  3. Malformed Sperm - This is a condition where the sperm fails to remain alive till the fertilization of the egg.
  4. Genetic Diseases - Genetic disorders such as Myotonic dystrophy, Klinefelter's syndrome, microdeletion and others can also cause infertility in men.
  5. Certain Medical Conditions - Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, several auto-immune diseases, cystic fibrosis and a few infections can also lead to male infertility.
  6. Variococles - In this condition, the veins on the person’s testicles are larger than usual, causing them to overheat. This can affect the shape or quantity of the person’s sperm.
  7. Hormonal Disorders - If a person is suffering from a disorder that impacts his hypothalamus or pituitary glands, then it can lead to infertility.
  8. Unhealthy Lifestyle - Use of substances, including alcohol, drugs and smoking can impact a person’s fertility.
  9. Cancer Treatments - A person going through chemotherapy, radiation or surgery that requires the removal of the testicle(s) may experience infertility.
  10. Trauma to the Testicles - If the person has suffered trauma to his testicles, he may develop infertility.

Dr. Nishith Reddy has years of experience in treating people suffering from infertility. Book an appointment with the doctor and get the consultation. Dr. Reddy will study your profile thoroughly and give you the right treatment plan based on the diagnosis.

What are the major risk factors of Male Infertility?

Some males are more likely to develop infertility than others, due to one or more of the following factors:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Exposure to radiation
  • Long exposure to environmental toxins such as lead, pesticides, calcium and mercury
  • Excessive use of tobacco, alcohol or marijuana
  • Exposure to heat that increases the temperature of the person’s testicles
  • Use of certain medications including flutamide, cyproterone, bicalutamide, spironolactone, cimetidine and ketoconazole
  • History of undescended testicle(s)
  • A history of varicoceles – widened veins in the scrotum

Dr. Nishith Reddy, one of the best urologists in Hyderabad, can provide you with the right diagnosis and answer all your queries regarding infertility. Book an appointment with Dr. Reddy today.

How is Male Infertility Evaluated and Diagnosed?

In order to perform a diagnosis of male infertility, the person needs to go through a complete physical examination. This would help the doctor determine the person’s general state of health and isolate physical problems that may impact the person’s fertility.

Your doctor may also interview you along with your partner to learn about your sexual habits that may contribute to infertility. In case the physical examination does not provide any conclusion, your doctor may suggest you to get a few tests done, including:

Semen Analysis

This test helps determine:

  • Amount of sperm per ejaculation
  • Measurement of acidity or basicity (pH)
  • Total sperm count
  • Size and shape of sperms
  • Viscosity and color of your semen

Sperm Analysis

Your doctor may perform a detailed sperm analysis next. It helps determine:

  • The sperm's ability to survive
  • The shape and quality of the sperms
  • The ability of the sperm to move to the egg and fertilize it

Other Possible Tests

Your doctor may also ask you to get the following tests done:

  • Endtz test
  • WHO morphology for sperm assessment
  • Kruger’s strict morphology classification
  • Special staining for azoospermic specimen
  • Semen biochemistry fructose test
  • Sperm DNA assessment
  • Sperm antibody tests

At Hyderabad Multi-specialty Hospital, Dr. Nishith Reddy can guide you through all the tests and provide the right diagnosis for male infertility. Dr. Reddy has years of experience in handling cases of male infertility and can offer the right guidance for every individual.

How Male Infertility is Treated?

In today’s date, there are several ways to battle male infertility. Depending on the cause of infertility, your doctor may offer you any of the following treatment suggestions:

  • Hormone therapy to help increase sperm count
  • Lifestyle changes – such as quitting smoking, alcohol consumption and drug use
  • Surgeries such as vasectomy reversal, vasoepididymostomy and sperm retrieval
  • Also, intracytoplasmic sperm injection and in vitro fertilization

Consult with Dr. Nishith Reddy to know which treatment would be appropriate for you.

Male Infertility Andrology Treatments in Hyderabad

FAQs about Male Infertility Andrology

Q: What are the major causes of male infertility?

A: Male infertility can occur to a person due to different various reasons. Some of the common causes of male infertility include:

  • Sperm disorders
  • Retrograde ejaculation
  • Certain medications
  • Cancer treatment
  • Hormones

Q: What are the signs of infertility in men?

A: Some of the common signs of male infertility include:

  • Problems obtaining and maintaining an erection
  • Loss of sexual desire or arousal
  • No ejaculation or reduced volume of semen
  • Pain or discomfort in the testicles
  • Gynecomastia or growth of breast tissue in men

Q: Can male infertility be cured?

A: In some cases, male infertility can be treated. The treatment depends completely on the factor that is causing infertility. The three different treatments for male infertility are:

  • Non-surgical therapy for male infertility
  • Surgical therapy for male infertility
  • Treatment for unknown causes of male infertility

Q: What increases the risk of male infertility?

A: The major risk factors of male infertility are:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Exposure to radiation
  • Long exposure to environmental toxins such as lead, pesticides, calcium and mercury
  • Excessive use of tobacco, alcohol or marijuana
  • Certain medications
  • Overheating the testicles