Women are more susceptible to developing UTIs. If the infection is limited to the bladder region, it can cause pain and irritation. However, if it spreads to the kidneys, it can cause some major health problems.

Urologists usually treat urinary tract infections with antibiotics. You can even take certain measures to lower the chances of developing UTI in the first place.

Dr. Nishith Reddy, one of the best urologists in Hyderabad, offers you complete care for UTI. You can book an appointment with him to get yourself checked for UTI.

What are the Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection?

Surprisingly, UTIs do not always cause symptoms in patients. When they do, the symptoms may include the following:

  • A frequent and strong urge to urinate
  • A burning sensation while urinating
  • Urine that looks cloudy
  • Urine with a strong smell
  • Urine may also appear red, bright pink or a bit darker in color as there may be blood in the urine
  • Pelvic pain, in women

UTIs are often overlooked in older adults and mistaken for other conditions. So, it is important to check yourself checked by a urologist if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above.

At Hyderabad Multi-specialty Hospital, Dr. Nishith Reddy can help you with the diagnosis and treatment of UTI. He is one of the finest urologists in the area and offers the best care for health issues regarding the urinary system.

What are the Different Types of UTIs?

UTIs can be segmented into several types depending on which part of the urinary system is infected. It is interesting to know that each type of UTI may cause some specific symptoms, making it easier for urologists to identify the type.

1. UTI of Kidneys

The common symptoms of this type of UTI are:

  • High fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Back or side pain
  • Chills and shaking

2. UTI of the bladder

If UTI has affected your bladder, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort in the lower belly
  • Pelvic pressure
  • Blood in urine
  • Pain while urinating
  • Frequent urge to urinate

3. UTI of the urethra

If your urethra is affected by UTI, you are most likely to experience the following symptoms

  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Discharge

It is absolutely important to consult a urologist if you experience any of these symptoms. The doctor can give you a proper diagnosis of the condition.

Dr. Nishith Reddy is one of the best urologists available in Hyderabad. You can resolve your UTI-related queries and get proper treatment for it no matter what area of the urinary system it is affecting.

What are the Major Causes of UTIs?

UTIs happen when bacteria enter your urinary tract through the urethra. It then starts spreading to the bladder. Even though the urinary system is designed to keep out bacteria, your body’s defenses may fail at times. In such scenarios, the bacteria grow into an infection in the urinary tract.

Here are some of the most common causes of UTI based on the type:

UTI of the bladder

In cases of UTI, where the bladder is affected, the infection is usually caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli). However, other bacteria can also be the cause.

Women are at a higher risk of bladder infection because of their anatomy. The urethral opening in a woman’s body is close to the bladder. Due to this reason, bacteria around the anus can easily enter the urethra and travel to the bladder.

UTI of the Urethra

This type of UTI happens when gastrointestinal bacteria travel from the anus to the urethra. UTI of the urethra can also happen due to sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea, herpes, mycoplasma and chlamydia. This is common in women as their urethras are in close proximity to the vagina.

Get a proper diagnosis for your UTI from Dr. Nishith Reddy. He can help you identify the cause and get the right treatment for it.

How are UTIs Diagnosed?

Based on your symptoms, your urologist will use the following procedures to diagnose UTI:


This test examines the urine for red and white blood cells and bacteria. The count of blood cells (red and white) in your urine can indicate an infection.

Urine culture

This method helps determine the type of bacteria in the urine. This actually helps determine the right treatment for the infection.

If you keep getting infections or your infection does not respond to the treatment, then your urologist may suggest other tests such as cystoscopy, ultrasound and CT scan to examine your urinary tract for disease or other damage.

Frequently Asked Questions about UTI

Q: What is the main cause of a UTI?

A: UTIs are bacterial infections. It happens when bacteria enter the urethra and infect the urinary tract. They can travel from your skin or anus and travel to your urinary system. E. coli bacteria are generally responsible for the infection, but other bacteria can also cause the infection.

Q: Can UTI go away on its own?

A: In some cases, UTIs may go away on their own. However, it is always recommended to consult a urologist when you experience the symptoms of a UTI. Some infections can be different than others. If left untreated, it can lead to more severe issues.

Q: Can you get a UTI from holding your pee for a long?

A: Yes, it is possible to develop a urinary tract infection if you hold your urine for extremely long periods of time. This is due to the bacteria build-up in your urinary system. It can even increase the risk of kidney diseases.

Q: What happens if a UTI remains untreated?

A: If you leave UTI untreated, the infection can spread throughout the body. It can lead to serious health issues, even life-threatening ones. Untreated UTIs often lead to a kidney infection which can further move into the blood stream.