The procedure involves creating a small pathway from the skin on the back to the kidney. PCNL is often opted for when less-invasive treatment options don’t work or aren’t possible.

If you’ve been looking for the best urologist in Hyderabad to perform this procedure, then you can approach Dr. Nishith Reddy. He’s a renowned Urologist working for Hyderabad Multi-speciality hospital.

Who Needs Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)?

In most cases, kidney stones pass on their own and don’t lead to surgery. The doctor may suggest shock wave lithotripsy or laser ureteroscopy if the kidney stones are smaller.

The procedure is usually recommended to patients who can’t pass a kidney stone on their own and whose stone is too big to treat with shock wave lithotripsy or laser ureteroscopy.

Preparations before the PCNL Surgery

Before the PCNL procedure, the patient is required to undergo several tests. Urine and blood tests are carried out to detect signs of infection or other problems. A CT scan is also conducted to check where the stones are located in the kidney.

The patients are often advised to stop eating and drinking after midnight on the night before the surgery. The medical care team must know about the medications, vitamins and dietary supplements you’re taking. The patients may have to stop taking these medications before the procedure.

Some of the medications that patients may have to avoid are:

  • Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen
  • Celebrex
  • Advil
  • Vioxx
  • Plavix

A formal list of these medications will be provided by the hospital.

The surgeon may prescribe antibiotics to minimize the chance of developing an infection after the surgery.

Dr. Nishith Reddy, one of the best urologists in Hyderabad, has maintained a steady success rate for years with PCNL procedures. You can get a consultation with the doctor to have clarity on how the procedure will be carried out.

What to Expect before and after the Procedure?

Before the Procedure

PCNL is typically performed in the hospital under general anesthesia. With general anesthesia, the patients won’t be awake for the procedure and won’t feel any pain.

Sometimes, the first step of the procedure is performed in the radiology department. In such cases, the patient may be given a medication that numbs only a specific area of the body (local anesthesia) in the radiology department. Then once the patient is moved to surgery, he/she may be given general anesthesia.

After the Procedure

The patient may be required to stay in the hospital for 1-2 days after the surgery. It’s advised to avoid heavy lifting and pushing or pulling for 2 or 4 weeks after surgery.

If the patient has drainage tubes left in the kidney after the procedure, it’s crucial to watch out for any bleeding. In case patients notice blood in the urine or drainage tube, they must visit the hospital.

Patients are advised to contact their primary healthcare provider in case of fever and chills, as these could lead to infection and patients may require emergency care.

Dr. Nishith Reddy will provide complete guidance on what to expect before and after the surgery as part of your treatment process. He will ensure the surgical procedure is as hassle-free for the patients as possible.

The Advantages of PCNL Surgery

As opposed to ureteroscopy, which can be performed under intravenous sedation, PCNL requires general anesthesia. Some patients may be unable to tolerate general anesthesia owing to their pre-existing medical conditions.

As opposed to other kidney stone treatments, PCNL is a little more invasive and involves higher risk. However, this procedure is the most effective for patients with large kidney stone troubles. So, the benefits of PCNL outweigh the risks.

Dr. Nishith Reddy has been widely acknowledged to extend complete care and attention when performing this procedure. This is the reason he’s considered one of the best urologists in Hyderabad, Telangana.

Potential Complications of PCNL

As with most surgical processes, there are certain risks and complications that are associated with PCNL. Some of these rare potential risks are as follows.

  • Infection: At times bacteria can grow within stones and therefore cause a urinary infection and rarely result in sepsis during stone surgery. As a result, urinary infections should be treated before surgery and broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed at the start of the operation to reduce the risk of urinary infection.
  • Bleeding: During this procedure, blood loss is usually minimal. The risk of blood transfusion ranges from 2-12%, depending on stone size, location and the number of tracts dilated.
  • Adjacent Tissue and Organ Injury: On rare occasions, the organs surrounding the kidney such as the colon, blood vessels, spleen and liver may sustain injury. This may require further surgery.

Dr. Reddy ensures all of these complications are ruled out when he performs this surgery on his patients. This makes him a reliable choice for patients who suffer from kidney stone issues.

Frequently Asked Questions about PCNL

Q: Can multiple kidney stones be treated with a PCNL procedure?

A: It’s possible to treat multiple stones with PCNL. This is one of the advantages of this surgical process because a flexible telescope can be passed through the skin and directly into the kidney. This helps identify and remove multiple stones at one location.

Q: What is the overall success rate with PCNL?

A: The success of PCNL depends on a multitude of factors such as stone composition, number of stones, size and their location within the urinary tract. All of these factors are carefully considered by Dr. Nishith Reddy to determine if PCNL would be right for the patients and maximize the success rate.

Q: Can PCNL be repeated?

A: Usually due to stone density or size, fragments of the stones may remain in the urinary tract and may require a “second look” procedure to attempt removal.

Q: Can PCNL be performed on both of my kidneys at the same time?

A: If patients are troubled by large stones in both their kidneys, bilateral PCNL surgeries can be performed at the same setting or at a later date as two separate surgeries.